
Age 45, Male

Joined on 1/26/05

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2,096 / 2,180
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5.63 votes
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What about music reviews though? Music artists don't get much attention. :(

I did a few music reviews, yeah. But I really don't know a whole lot about music. I lack the correct terminology to describe what I like or don't like about a song.

The other thing is, I usually only dip into the Audio Portal when I need a soundtrack for something I'm working on. Flash reviews, the urge might strike at any time when I'm browsing the portal.

I'm just not very big on music, sorry.

I reveiw music alot,NGFAN14.Now,I'm mainly at the audio portal,lookig for good music to reveiw,vote(I vote 5 a lot),favorite,and/or download.

Warpzone this is gonna sound retarded but I'm a big fan of your reviews!! I think the review system on NG is a bit underrated and with everyone constantly giving everything a 10 even if they go on to flame what they're reviewing it makes me wonder if I should keep ranting about stuff. But every now and then when I sift through reviews I kinda think "what the hell, might as well keep on reviewing". Keep up the good work and here's hoping you can make it all the way to 1000! haha.



Keep the faith, man. :) If you can't tell people what you did and didn't like about their work, how could you possibly expect them to get any better?

You're great at writing reviews! Just wanted to say that :)

Thanks. :) I try.

Wow, those are some quality reviews.

Makes mine seem like absolute shit.

Keep up the great work!

Eh, I wouldn't say that. Your reviews are quick and to the point. Mine kinda grow into these tirades on game design and aesthetics. I've had some people, especially content authors who've got a bad score from me, tell me that because my review was so long, it's no worth reading. So you could make the argument that there's something to be said for concise reviews.

My reviewing style is a throwback to the "rank each submission according to graphics, sound, humor, style and gameplay" paradigm Newgrounds used to use. Once they took that focus on different categories away, I still kept it in mind. Now I'm just in the habit of specifying what I liked or didn't like about each submission.

You can do the same thing, too. In fact, I'd say you already do. It's not necessary to cite examples or propose alternatives, or even to go into too much detail. I just like to do those things when I can, because I find it helpful when I get that kinda feedback. My way of reviewing is not the only way. It's not even the best way. It's just one way.

Just keep doing what you're doing, and improve any way you want to. Your reviews are great. Keep it up.



You are the best reviewer EVER. Insightful, opinionated with specific details added for relevance, and some tasty recepes!
That is my review of your reviewing skills.
You will notice that I am not so good at it...

Although this reviewer downplays his own reviewing abilities, his review of my reviewing skills was lean, concise, and above all, positive.

4*infinity / 5*infinity recursive stars!

Grats! I also enjoy writing reviews and I love when I happen to come across one of yours lol. Always a good read.

Thanks. :)

Your review of "Crop "Circles" was more entertaining than the game itself! Bravo sir.

Heh. Thanks. :P I try. I keep wishing I could edit that one because I was in a hurry when I wrote it. Anyway, glad you liked it. :)

You might wanna also check out my reviews. Especially the ones for Aether and Tom & Wade fight the spam. Those are some of my more creative ones. :D