
Age 45, Male

Joined on 1/26/05

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I agree with you. "Pobody's nerfect" my 6th grade teacher would tell me...

The review content as you said is the most important part. When I read the (very little) reviews I get, I actually like the reviews that may only be 6, but have reasons why it is 6 and what could be done to improve it, rather than the 10 that says, "Great job". Well, what was great about it? The animation? The coding? The music? The plot twist? The random hidden sex scene if you press a certain button combo?

I've also noted that a lot of games get 10s for being so flashy and special effecty, but not being very fun. It just baffles me...or maybe I just don't like those kinds of games. Either or.

Regardless, it takes hard work (and sometimes sheer dumb luck) to earn a good review and score here.

And Zombiffix, Clock Day is a special event where everyone votes 5. Any other day and they would have been blammed before I was even finished typing this comment.

WarpZone, if you reply to this, please let me know via PM or on my page.

You speak the truth, my friend. Keep speaking.


I know right? I'm the same way. I like feedback, even if it's negative. The number just helps me gague how bad of a deal-breaker it was for whoever left the review.

Stuff that gets a few 10s, it's probably best to just chalk it up to people randomly being impressed. I mean, unless it gets like two pages of perfect 10's in a row right when the flash comes out, and then a bunch of 0-4s from known members of the community afterward. Then you might be looking at shill voting. But that kind of thing is usually pretty obvious when it happens. Most of the time a string of 10's is just a lucky streak of generous reviewers. Social Proof may play a role, too.

Some people really do only vote 8-10. Maybe they can't take criticism so they're extra polite to everybody else. And, hey, that's fine. Just don't try to tell me how I can and can't vote.

Truth? Pffft. Nah. Practically everything I say on NG is opinion-based. But it's always nice when someone agrees with your opinion.

Just for the hell of it, I just left a review in your game a 7.



This news post gets a 6/10. It took time to type, but it barely was worth the effort over all. It's just not my tastes. Add vampires fighting with lightsabers on bears to your next post, and you'll win more internet points.


"This is friggin' Newgrounds! We don't give out Gold Stars for participation here!"

I think you summed it up in that sentence really well, sometimes I may be scolded for when I give some animation or whatever a lower mark than they'd expect but I believe I am perfectly able to judge animations/games on their own merits.

Yeah. And keep in mind, I hadn't even played or reviewed the game yet, so he wasn't talking about a negative review I *wrote.* He was basically telling everyone, everywhere, "This game deserves an 8 or better. I'm right. Don't question it."

And that's just bullshit.

I've played bug-free games that scored lower than that for various reasons. And from what I understand, this game had bugs in it. I'm sure everyone's personal scale is different, but I generally don't give an 8 unless I'm impressed with all aspects of a piece, and really impressed by at least one part of it.

Maybe that guy just thinks anything below an 8 is an insult. Who knows. That reminds me, I should probably go back and play that game and review it some time. XD

"I mean look at Halo, Gears of War, COD series, those games are the best right now and they have alot of glitches in them!"

That reviewer is a 360 fanboy. No wonder he's stupid.

You have to admit, there are some advantages to owning the console right now. Maybe if Sony would translate some goddamned games...

I agree with you, many people are gay for acknowledgement. Whether they created a master piece or a master shit, they just want someone, for once in their lives, to tell them: It's allright kid, you did a great job, here is a 5/5 (and 10/10) for your effort *kind slap on the back*.

But when you upload your work to a social network, you are submiting it to be judged by all sorts of people, who don't owe you anything, and also who don't know you, so they don't have a moral obligation to be polite or "pity lie" to you saying you are the best (around).

There are all kinds or reviewers 'round here, but i think the main kinds are:

Good 'ol Jesus: He is the guy everybody loves, he will vote 10/10 no matter what you did, couse he loves everyone the same.

The number of the beast: No matter how awesome your flash is, this guy will find something that annoys him, and vote 0/10 bitching about it.

Game Freak: If its a game, its a ten.

Animu Lovah: This guy is a double edged blade. If you flash features an anime (or a character) he loves, its a ten. But don't you dare to praise an anime (or char) he doesn't like, or mock one he really loves. Or else you will suffer his wrath in the form of incesant ranting and 0/10.

Hentai-san: As long as it has titties, and if you kindly put a rapidshare link to download all the images featured in your video. You are their best friend and deserve nothing but the very best (10/10, and 5/5 too).

Well there are all kind of reviewers in between, and of course every kind has its opposite (as in someone who blams everything with titties). But i think these cover most of the guys you will find here.

Phew, talk about a long post. I wonder if someone will read this. Anyway, thats my insight in the newgrounds review system.

I can pare it down even further. There are two kinds of people in the world: Dangerous extremists, and me. :P

But yeah, venting is fun. ^^



I sense "Newgrounds Reality"

Go for it. I bet NOBODY gives that one a bad review! :P


What's up warpzone!!!

Oh hay FoD, how's the music business? :D

Damn you, Hydrodude516. You have unacceptably low standards.


Wait, whut?


nice man i wonder who did tht review but seriously, he thinks halo and gears have alot of glitches theres 2 at the most

Ehh, google it. I'm sure you can find the post.

Unless it was deleted. Actually, it probably has been deleted by now because it talked about other reviews, not about the game. Wasn't that one of the ways you can get whistle points?

Edit: See below!

Crap, an 8? I'd best go re-review all those spam submissions....


I rate your attempt at sarcasm a perfect ten.


Your taking this all wrong. This guy was just angry at the people who voted below 8 JUST because of some small glitches.


You think?


That's not what I got out of it, but maybe we should ask him.

Credit is given where Credit is Due.

Words to live by.


Hello Warpzone, It has come to my attention you read my review that I left for <Input game name here>. I should of never written that review because it was stupid and not adult of me. Everything you said was right. I wrote that review when I was angry, I have an anger problem I'm working on, so please accept my apologie. I'm did not mean to make you upset or angry.

Hydrodude... could that have been you...? Yeah... you know what, that name rings a bell!

No problem man we all make mistakes. As you can see I pretty much overreacted to your review. XD A month later and I can't believe I felt it was necessary to post about this. Oh well.

For a list of all the times I've gone off half-cocked, just take a look at my reviews page. The ones that most people agree aren't helpful are more or less me being a dick when it wasn't called for.

All we can do is try to be more mature next time.

Good luck with your future reviews.