Lightbringer was really interesting to learn about. It keeps reminding me of things like Diablo II and Guardian Heroes, (which is absurd, since those games came out much later!) I'd imagine LandStalker was probably a more likely influence? (You really see it in that room where you stack the crates to reach the treasure chests!)
In any case, the mashup of dungeon-exploring mechanics with room-based beat-'em-up gameplay is surprisingly smooth. I suppose there's some AI tweaks in there to prevent the enemy from approaching from the top or bottom. (These mechanics, and especially the ranged build just wouldn't work in arbitrarily-shaped rooms, otherwise.)
I was never really clear, from the gameplay video, how important it is to level up? It always felt like kicks did nothing, and lightning arrows could one- or two-shot everything, and mimics are surprisingly flimsy. I also wasn't clear on why sometimes looting bows was good, and other times it was bad??? Maybe I'd have to play it to understand.
Keep up the good work. You really nailed the vibe of the ending, IMHO, and somehow the quirky not-quite-anime pixel art linework made the leap to equally-quirky vector art surprisingly intact? It's like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy, bouncing back and forth across western and eastern cultures, over a period of like 30 years, (much longer if you trace the influences all the way back through D&D to Tolkien!) but somehow it came out the other end of that process with the heart intact, and plenty of style.
Also, Cisty's slow-motion impression of Chun-Li every time she tried to cross a room quickly got a chuckle out of me.