Pretty good gameplay, for a PSA...
So, wait, let me get this straight... there's a new game on Newgrounds that combines Mario parodies, Pamella Anderson, AND Animal Cruelty? This is gonna go down in history as the highest scoring flash EVAR... oh, wait. No. Don't get excited, it's just a Peta ad.
That was my initial reaction when I realized that this game was sponsored by People for Extortion, Terror, and Arson. (And yes, I realize that after winning that Wiggi World contest, I'm the last person who should bitch about preachy morals lurking in my video games. I'm just not a big fan of PETA.) Thankfully, there's a game underneath the message, and it's halfway decent.
The implementation is extremely clean. At any given moment, you can jump on stuff, break stuff with your head, collect stuff, and stomp on stuff, and the controls do exactly what you expect them to do. The stage design is also good, although it feels a bit more sprawling and random than your typical Mario game, and there's only 2 types of bad guys, who seem to follow arbitrary hardcoded patrol paths instead of walking all the way to the edge of a platform. Often this means a spider-bot is lurking directly under some bricks, so it's a little tricky to time your jump to nail them. There's also a single decent boss.
I don't think I would classify this as "Suitible for everyone." There's blood all over the place, and graphic descriptions of animal mutilation. Either torturing animals is horrible, OR media about torturing animals is suitible for children. You can't have it both ways.
I actually liked the cutscenes. I thought they were pretty funny. They're pretty tame compared to the hundreds of violent Mario parodies already on Newgrounds, of course, but they were funny and well-done. Also, that sunset at the end was just plain cool. Playing as Pamella wasn't much fun. There was no major difference except for the graphics, and she was pretty awkwardly realized... her feet don't touch the ground correctly, and she just generally looks weird. Certianly nowhere near voluptuous.
Persoanlly, I don't eat at KFC if I can help it. Not for moral reasons, I just don't like their food. I usually go to Popeyes or a local ma & pop place to get my fried chicken fix. Putting aside my personal prejudice against Peta for their anti-human tactics, though, I question the usefulness of raising perfectly healthy chickens under opulent conditions in captivity, putting them to sleep with anesthesia or something and then killing them gracefully in their sleep. That's just a ridiculous ammount of effort to go through to ease the suffering of an animal that's raised as a food source and doesn't possess the mental faculties to comprehend its own mortality anyway.
Decent game, though. If this was your first forray into Flash, you did an excellent job. I'd like to see more games from you, but since you're not a gamer, I guess that's probably not very likely. Still, there was some decent entertainment value here.
Thanks for tha game. :)