
WarpZone's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 727 (From 106 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 9,000 Points

Medieval Rampage

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/315 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Kill First Enemy

Tenth Kill 10 Points

Kill Tenth Enemy

First Boss 25 Points

Kill First Boss

Fourth Boss 25 Points

Kill Fourth Boss

Second Boss 25 Points

Kill Second Boss

Third Boss 25 Points

Kill Third Boss

75 Achievements 50 Points

Collect 75 Achievements

Fifth Boss 50 Points

Kill Fifth Boss

100 Achievements 100 Points

Collect 100 Achievements

Medieval Rampage 2

Medals Earned: 3/9 (40/290 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Slay your first enemy

100th kill 10 Points

Slaughter 100 enemies

Defeat boss 1 25 Points

Defeat the first boss

Defeat boss 2 25 Points

Defeat the second boss

Defeat boss 3 25 Points

Defeat the third boss

Defeat boss 4 25 Points

Defeat the fourth boss

Defeat boss 5 25 Points

Defeat the fifth boss

100 achievements 50 Points

Complete 100 of the 170 total tasks

All achievements 100 Points

Complete every single task

Mega Miner

Medals Earned: 12/18 (170/495 points)

Coal Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Coal

Digging Deep 5 Points

Reach a Depth of 300 Meters

Iron Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Iron

Silver Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Silver

Emerald Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Emeralds

Explorer 10 Points

Clear 5% of the Map

Gold Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Gold

Saphire Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Saphires

Under Pressure 10 Points

Reach a Depth of 600 Meters

Diamond Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Diamonds

Rock Bottom 25 Points

Reach a Depth of 1000 Meters

Prospector 50 Points

Clear 10% of the Map

Ruby Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Rubies

Black Box 50 Points

Find the Source of the Signal

Giant Gems 50 Points

Find 10 Giant Gems

Lost King 50 Points

Find the Ancient Remains

Treasure! 50 Points

Find all the Treasure

Excavator 100 Points

Clear 25% of the Map

Merry Christmas Tom Fulp

Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/55 points)

Gift Giver 5 Points

you gave tom your gift!

Gift Giver Pro 50 Points

Give tom 10,000 gifts

Mighty Tanker Power Wankers

Medals Earned: 1/20 (10/650 points)

Iced 10 Points

Unlock the Sleet Tank

Bug Catcher 100 Points

Beat Level 1

The Wrong Tunnel 100 Points

Beat Level 2

2 in the Pink 100 Points

Beat Level 3

2 Fast 4 U 10 Points

Fully upgrade your speed stat

Healthy Fella 10 Points

Fully upgrade your health stat

Double Barrel Action 10 Points

Fully upgrade your attack stats

Experimenting with Toys 10 Points

Unlock the Toy Tank

Up Close and Personal 10 Points

Unlock the Melee Tank

Imma Firin Mah Lazar 10 Points

Unlock the Laser Tank

Professional Wavedasher 100 Points

Beat the game without dying

Victory by Default 10 Points

Beat the game as the Default tank.

Wanna see me do it again? 10 Points

Beat the game as the Speed tank.

Extra Thick 10 Points

Beat the game as the Health tank.

Double Penetration 10 Points

Beat the game as the Attack tank.

Choking Hazard 10 Points

Beat the game as the Toy tank.

Sloppy Snowjob 10 Points

Beat the game as the Sleet tank.

Knockout 10 Points

Beat the game as the Melee tank.

J.S.D.F. Certified 10 Points

Beat the game as the Laser tank.

They didn't stand a chance 100 Points

Beat the game as every tank

Moovlin PC

Medals Earned: 1/37 (5/495 points)

Are you ready for Adventure? 5 Points

Finish the opening tutorial.

25 Minutes of Amazement 5 Points

Watch all the cutscenes.

Astronaut City 5 Points

Find the Space Helmet.

Cheeseworld Champion 5 Points

Level 3-1: Get over 10100 points!

Credits 5 Points

Anybody who has this medal is a TOTAL BADASS!

Fanbase 5 Points

Find the first piece of hidden bonus art.

GET ER' DONE! 5 Points

Find the cowboy hat.

Glub Glub 5 Points

Finish a swimming level.

Mooviball Champion 5 Points

Level 6-1: Get over 8700 points!

No Fooling Around 5 Points

Brutally beat the crap out of Truff and take no damage in the process.

Robot Slayer 5 Points

Kill 15 robots.

Sky Fury 5 Points

Complete the "Missile Mania" level in Sunshine Plains.

Space Cadet 5 Points

Beat every level in Jazela Galaxy.

Suicidal 5 Points

Die 20 times.

Sun Station Champion 5 Points

Level 1-1: Get over 9656 points!

Suzuki Pyramid Champion 5 Points

Level 2-2: Get over 14600 points!

Thwarted Gravity 5 Points

Die from falling upwards.

You have friends? 5 Points

Play a multiplayer mode.

Choked! 10 Points

Kill Polypiscis without taking any damage.

Comatose City Champion 10 Points

Level 4-1: Get over 9100 points!

Gear Mistro 10 Points

Collect all the gears in Sun Station Level 1.

Ice Caps Champion 10 Points

Level 8-1: Get over 9300 points!

Lava Survival Champion 10 Points

Level 7-3: Get over 2000 points!

Midnight Carnival Champion 10 Points

Level 2-3: Get over 3000 points!

Peaks of Glory Champion 10 Points

Level 8-2: Get over 10730 points!

Planet Lavarious Champion 10 Points

Level 7-1: Get over 9500 points!

Robot Factory Champion 10 Points

Level 10-1: Get over 7800 points!

Selia Desert Champion 10 Points

Level 2-1: Get over 9500 points!

Space Major 10 Points

Beat every level in Radion Galaxy.

Sunshine Plains Champion 10 Points

Level 6-1: Get over 8600 points!

Space General 25 Points

Beat every level in Black Hole Paradise.

Hat Messiah 50 Points

Collect all 9 hats. Also, congrats, this is quite tough to do.

Impossible is Nothing 50 Points

Complete "The Parliament" without losing any health.

The Full Gallery 50 Points

Collect all 12 bonus artwork pieces. This could take a while...

Space God 100 Points

Beat the game!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/270 points)

Look mommy, I'm death! 5 Points

Fail to get at least 1.000 points

10k 5 Points

Get a score of 10.000

5k 5 Points

Get a score of 5.000

Critical Hit 10 Points

Critically hit the Knight

Double Kill 10 Points

Get a double kill

Trials 25 Points

Complete all the trials

Lethe player 50 Points

be l33t and score over 50k

Triple kill 50 Points

Get a triple kill, pretty hard.

The black plague 100 Points

Kill 10 knights in one run

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/4 (30/130 points)

Start 5 Points

Kill the first boss.

Halfway 25 Points

Defeat the first 5 bosses.

Finish 50 Points

Defeat all 10 bosses.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Piconjo: AFK

Medals Earned: 17/21 (315/500 points)

Returnal 5 Points

Launch Piconjo: AFK

New Beginning 5 Points

Catch your first fish.

Cock Joke 5 Points

Catch a Tank Fish

Castle Crasher 5 Points

Catch a Fish Man

Static Vomit 5 Points

Catch an Hourglass Dog

Somewhere In The Pond 5 Points

Catch a Grunt

It Poops Gold 5 Points

Catch a Golden Whale

BRAAAAIIINS!!!! 10 Points

Catch a Zombeh Limb

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Get Money 5 Points

Earn $100 in total

Big Dolla 10 Points

Earn $1000 in total

Fat Stacks 25 Points

Earn $10000 in total

Beyond Wealthy 50 Points

Earn $100000 in total

stoinky stoink 100 Points

Earn $1000000 in total

Crustacea Savior 10 Points

Rescue the crab

M0R3 P0WAH 50 Points

Ascend for the first time

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

fuk u imp0st3r die 10 Points

Blow up Pico as he rides past

Loaded Out 100 Points

Max out all stats (excluding ascension)

i l0ve u <3 50 Points

Take a peek at the credits

Pixel Purge

Medals Earned: 13/20 (190/490 points)

Evasion Expert (Bronze) 5 Points

Don't get hit for 30 seconds.

High Score (Bronze) 5 Points

Acquire a score of 100,000 or greater.

Slayer of the Peon King 5 Points

Defeat the largest Peon.

Level Climber (Silver) 10 Points

Reach level 10

Slayer of the Grunt King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Grunt.

Slayer of the Miner King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Miner.

Slayer of the Splitter King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Splitter.

Slayer of the Waver King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Waver.

Marksman 25 Points

Accurately land 50 shots without a single miss.

Mine Sweeper 25 Points

Destroy 50 mines in a single game.

Slayer of the Fume King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Fume.

Slayer of the Vessel King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Vessel.

Terminator (Gold) 25 Points

Defeat 1000 enemies in a single game.

Hardcore (Platinum) 25 Points

Don't spend any skill points and reach level 10 or greater.

Platinum Chain 25 Points

Reach a kill chain of 1000

Slayer of the Seeker King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Seeker.

Slayer of the Shield King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Shield.

Bestiary Complete 50 Points

Completely fill your bestiary by defeating 20 of each enemy in the game.

Master Trophy Collector 50 Points

Acquire all Trophies.

Defender of Pixela-RT 100 Points

100% the game (Acquire a gold star on the main menu for both Trophy and the Bestiary buttons)