Lacks sufficient feedback mechanisms.
This is a really cool sim and all, and as an Edutainment title, it sure teaches the player a lot of symptom terminology. But it's not very much fun to play as a game.
The main problem is, the game lacks proper feedback mechanisms to inform the player as to what's going on. This stuff could be happening at random, and a lot of it probably is, but if I don't have any way of knowing it. I have no clue why I earn evolution points at a given rate or how a low visibility rating helps me.
Is low visibility only good at preventing the initial detection? Infection seems straightforward enough, but does "the government started killing rats" mean rats no longer work as a vector in that country? Or do one or two rats still slip through, as in real-life, and bite someone, regardless of the government's best efforts?
Abstracting complex real-world events down to numbers is fine, all computer games need to do that. But further abstracting the numbers into colorful textual descriptions just makes the interface too nebulous. I understand how to click all the buttons, that part of the interface is super. It's just that I have no clue what clicking any particular button will DO. I mean, what they REALLY do, in terms of gameplay.
What does "Almost undetectable mean?" Is "Spotted in America" different from "Comes to America?" How deadly is "Very deadly?" I chose every deadly-sounding teir III and IV attribute I could afford, but it still only filled the meter 1/3 of the way up. If they would just show me the XP cost and the ammount of Visibility and Lethality, as *raw numbers,* maybe I'd have a chance as a gamer. But as things are, there's not enough feedback to develop a successful strategy.
Even with zero visible symptoms, they still notice me on the third day. Even with zero deaths, they still seal up their borders and pour their GNP into developing a vaccine for me. WTF?
I tried being highly infectious and resistant and spreading only through obscure vectors like rats and air. I was able to turn the whole world red in this manner, and I even developed immunity to the vaccine, but then I stopped getting evolution points, so I couldn't evolve any deadly symptoms. After watching my 1ep sit there motionless for a few weeks, I quit the game and tried again.
I tried being as deadly as possible and as stealthy as possible, but that led to what seemed like slower evolution (or maybe it just felt slower because the other build path was cheaper, I dunno,) and I did mannage to kill some people, but then the vaccine worked and I couldn't spread any further. They don't say Game Over or anything, they just tell you that you're pwned and the game keeps running.
(Madagascar is fucking cheap, BTW. They close their borders at the drop of a hat, and even Moisture Resistance IV + Waterborne isn't enough to get you across the ocean.)
As intriguing as this concept is, I just don't feel motivated to play the game, because I have no idea what I'm doing. Some kinda particles or other effect would be nice to show how exactly our virus is spreading from nation to nation. This would make it easier to see at a glance which tactics work better than others.
I also don't understand why the tutorial had to be on YouTube, which means it's "No Longer Availible" for some reason. Which is odd, because you can still play it and you get sound, but the screen is too dark to really see what's going on. Would it kill Blips to type all that up and put it on a website? Or better yet, directly into the swf?
Ultimately, playing the game feels pointless. Much like the original Sim City, you'll think you are doing well, but then all of a sudden, player growth drops off with no real visible cause, so you can't see your glorious plan through to completion. Maybe the "realistic" mode is better, but I've seen the "fast" version of the game lock itself up into unwinnable states, so why would I want to try playing the game even slower?
Great concept. But the gameplay just isn't fun. It needs better feedback to the player.