
243 Game Reviews

83 w/ Responses

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You've got a nice core mechanic here, but am I the only one who feels like this was a missed opportunity to go full roguelike? Swapping items is fine, but stacking items could be amazing!

(Also, if you wanted to make the razors 100% deterministic, just swap the X and Y values during a collision, inverting whichever one corresponds with the direction of the hit wall.)

I think the most interesting thing about it is the "unfolding" gameplay of each individual run. Sometimes you're trying to spend all your hearts without going over. Sometimes you're trying to level up. Sometimes you're trying to leave treasure on the field for improved rewards later. Sometimes impulsive (or desperate!) random clicks at the start will reveal other tiles (Rat King, Slime Wizard, Crystal Ball, etc.), basically forcing long-term planning not available in other runs.

Protip: if you're willing to die a few times "rerolling" the run by blind-clicking spaces on the edge of the map, you can sometimes end up with interesting run-differentiators right from the start. This can help you learn the deeper parts of the game a little faster!

Edit: Finally beat the dragon for the first time. Killing the 10-hp Minesweeper Warlock makes ALL the difference! Take my Fiven!

//Initialize Expectations
game.quality = vampire_survivors.quality;
game.graphics.style = graphics.BLENDER_LOWBIT
game.graphics.quality = MID_QUALITY
if(music.volume > 0){
music.quality = MEDIUM_HIGH_QUALITY
} else {
musician = "VA-11 HALL-A - Second Round [Full Album]"
music.quality = HIGH_QUALITY

print("Hey, everyone. Warpzone here! And welcome to my review of Picayune Dreams on Newgrounds!");
print("The first and most important thing you need to know about this game is that you should NEVER play it on Newgrounds.");
print("The free demo on Steam, availible from the link in the description, adds several key features.");
print("Such as the ability to see the whole screen at the same time,");
print("and the ability to hear the music over the sound of your computer's fans.");
print("If only the developer had given us some indication...);
print("Well, I guess that's what I get for skipping past the title screen.");

//Try out the different weapons
switch (weapon)
case: halo

game.quality -=1;

case: angel_wings
while (enemy_distance > close_enough_to_kill_you )
enemy_distance -=1;
} else {
game.quality -=5;

case: chainbelt
if (chainbelt_damage < garlic_damage)
game.quality -= ( garlic_damage - chainbelt_damage);

case: radio_transmitter

if(stage > 2){

//Thanks to milkypossum for helping me with my switch statements. I've always struggled with pseudocode, mostly because I can never find the documentation for it online.

if (fullscreen == true){
if(played_on_newgrounds) {fullscreen = false;}

print("Hey, everyone. Max0r here! And welcome back to my Hacknet letsplay.");
print("The second thing you need to know about this game is how to plug in your controller.");
print("No, seriously. Playing with a controller unlocks several key features not availible without one.);
print("Features such as discovering that the game only seems hard because you've been suffering from a disability all this time.);
print("Press the right thumbstick to diagnose yourself.");
print("Then bask in the thrill of playing video games at an average level of skill for the first time in your life.");
print("It's not cheating. It's called using the accessibility options.);
print("Of course, like anyone overcoming a disability, you will need to adjust your quality-of-life espectations.);
print("To zero. Because this game doesn't DO quality-of-life.");

if (fullscreen == false && playerYmovement != 0){
game.quality -= 100;

print("There wre two main categories of equippable upgrades: weapons that put more projectiles on the screen, and memes.");
print("You WILL die. A lot. And it won't always feel like it's your fault.");
print("This is intentional. Dying a lot is just central to the intended game experience.");
print("I suppose that's what happens when you balance your difficulty curve using an aimbot.");
print("Unfortunately, I found that even with my gamer skills artifically inflated to the level of a baseline human, I still struggled to complete basic game tasks.");
print("Tasks such as "Enter level 3" or "Collect all of the numbers.");

//Make obvious comparisons
game_quality += (game.characters.count - vampire_survivors.characters.count);

if (game.Contains(FiveNightsAtFreddysLore) ){
game.quality += 50;

game_quality -= 51;

print("The game features colorful interactions with many fascinating characters.");
print("Such as a cartoon rabbit that tells knock-knock jokes,");
print("and a second character.");
print("All of this to gradually reveal an in-depth narrative about sisyphean legalized slavery and state-funded drug abuse.")
print("So, basically a typical dayjob if you were born after 1980.");
print("The struggle is real.");
print("Trust me, it's non-addictive.);

//Complain that the game's too hard
if(first_boss_attack_phase == 3){
game.quality -= 1000;

//Complain about crashes/bugs
if (stage == orchid_sleep){
game.quality -= 10000;

print("I would not call this game 'fun.' I personally struggle to understand why I've played it so much.");
print("But that's probably because I personally struggle to understand how anything works in this game.");
print("Mentally choosing to believe that you have a plan somehow causes you to die.");
print("Frankly, I don't understand how they implemented this feature. But I'm glad that indie devs got to it before Big Tech.");

//Rate game w/overall score
if (game.quality < vampire_survivors.quality){

if(still_reading_this_review = true){
// I'm a little surprised nobody called me on this boolean assignment typo. I decided to keep the bug in, since it literally forces people to read this far in the review. You might call that nonsense, but it worked on you.
psuedo-code_conceit.worth_it = false;

print("In conclusion, if you must play this, play it using the Steam demo.");
print("And try to remind yourself to come back up for air occasionally.");
print("Otherwise, like the game's protagonist, you might find yourself unable to stop playing.");
print("Freebasing health upgrades and Black Hole drills, until you literally min-max yourself to death.");
print("It's not a bug. It's a statement on the healthcare industry.");

if(devs_respond_in_kind == true){
begrudgedly = true;

print("Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go play Holocure, so I can complain that the Yagoo spam at the end is too easy.");

game.quality = int(float(MAX_INT) * 0.8);

Stepford responds:

if(warpzone.showered = true){

Andyl4nd responds:

if(warpzone.stinky = true){

milkypossum responds:

You didn’t format your switch statements correctly :-(

Cool concept but it punishes noob players who don't understand what the words mean before they spend resources and pollute their deck with unplayable cards. Literally everything in the game needs respec buttons because none of these things work the way a new player expects them to, based on the description.

Most upgrades are traps.

It feels like one of those deliberately painful pay-to-win games, except you can't even pay to win! You just have to suck, make permanent mistakes that ruin your deck, and lose. One of the enemies moves so fast they literally teleport past your towers between shots. You'd think the way to play around it would be to build more towers or upgrade the reload speed or something, but none of these work! No idea what the game wants me to do about it. Sink two different types of micro-transaction currency into upgrading the temple's health, I suppose. Thanks but no thanks.

Overall: it's 2005's core mechanics with 2020's mobile games mentality. They haven't implemented the cash shop yet. But don't worry! I'm sure it's coming!

Tell you what dev, when you finally put the cash shop in and let us buy mana gems and fucking origami birds or whatever, I promise, I'll deduct two stars from my review score. :D

Okay, I'm just going to say it. The game is too hard. I managed to progress, but it's too hard. Let me explain:

You shouldn't need to buy an upgrade to be able to one-shot the weakest popcorn in the game. I kept dying over and over again on the third room. Because I kept entering the third room with zero extra health. Because I kept taking two hits in the second room. Because the second room throws 9 popcorn and 2 area-denial mines, all at you at the same time, when it's literally only your second room!

Then I figured out that the embarrassing pile of un-collectable money that was accumulating in the third room was actually something I could recreate in the first room. Then I figured out instead of letting it pile up on the floor, I could just clear the first room, hold R, repeat until you reach the arbitrary "Pay $50 to not suck" threshold.

And my question is, why? Why make me jump through all those hoops in order to unlock the controls the game was actually balanced around? Why make grinding this unpleasant and awkward and forced if you're also going to REQUIRE grinding just to get past the third room?

There's some other minor things you could tweak, like replacing the mouse cursor with a targeting reticle so you can then disable OS-level mouse-smoothing and use raw mouse inputs instead, or making sure that when you switch from keyboard and mouse to controller and back again, it actually uses the aiming method of the new controller, not the old one. But those are just polish.

My main problem with the game right now is the same problem plaguing a lot of FPS games with RPG elements shoehorned into them in the mid-2000s: it means you don't start off playing a good game. You start off playing a shit game that turns good if you pump enough upgrade points into it. That's stupid.

Balance the starting areas for the starting weapon. I don't think that's too much to ask.

AKTStudios responds:

WarpZone there are definitely improvements we can make and we are working to tweak the balance in the full version to make progression feel more fair. In a game jam setting you don't always have time to play test and balance a game to where it feels right to everyone. Some people are going to find it easy, some are going to find it hard. Finding the right balance between those two is our goal. Thank you for the feedback!

Nothing in this game makes any sense the first time you start playing it, and that's a huge problem. The main issue is the fundamental UX. It's abstract, it's confusing, it's arbitrary... it somehow manages to be both too spread out and too cluttered at the same time... then the Tutorial pops up and tells you to do a thing, only you have no idea how to do that thing because you don't understand the confusing UX yet.

None of the structures actually look like anything, you have to manually decide which way BOTH ENDS of the conveyor belts face using giant buttons on the bottom of the screen buried in a menu, and GODS HELP YOU if you accidentally figure out how to put down the resource processor on your own before the game commands you to. You'll get trapped with a giant menu covering the screen forever and no way to back out of it.

Worst of all, this game actually has the nerve to name-drop Factorio! This is nothing like Factorio. It's not even Mindustry. At best, it's a super-buggy, super-abstract knockoff of Big Pharma, only with even more limited building space.

And did I mention the tutorial you can't skip breaks the game? THE TUTORIAL YOU CAN'T SKIP BREAKS THE GAME. Don't play this.

Now THIS is a strategy game. Though the rules are simple, and the graphics are even simpler, what matters is the gameplay. And the gameplay here is pure strategy perfection. Every single move is a shrewd calculation of carefully contrived advantage, yet your turns pass at a snappy pace. You can glean the entire board state in little more than a quick glance, yet the board presents a different tactical situation almost every single turn. The very definition of depth of gameplay over breadth of content. Extra Credits would be proud.

EDIT: I don't know if the game was updated at some point, if my computer is better, or if Newgrounds's Flash player replacement plugin thing made a difference, but unlike when I first reviewed this game in 2020, I can actually play the first level now without things grinding to a halt. From what I can tell, it's a perfectly functional RTS, and I look forward to playing more of it.

DJStatika responds:

I made this game 11 years ago....

I thought this was dumb, until I realized it was a Resident Evil 1 parody.

*slow clap*

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