"Based on" a "true" story...
Wow, there's nothing scarier than spectral effigies of The Buddy Jesus fleeing like cockroaches every time you turn on a light. No, seriously, I can think of about a dozen "true stories" about religion that are both scarier and more plausible than this load of bull. Oooh, the scary ghosts are going to kill everybody. Whatever.
Anyway, boo for invisible/obscure/tiny buttons! You could have easily put the metal hook laying against the wall in plain sight. Why hide it with some obscure tiny invisible "I can't see what's here" button on top of the drawer? The light switch on the floor was also obscure. Maybe add a softly strobing light there or something.
Anyway, once I realized the whole game was a button-hunt, and that my actions were in no way connected to what I thought they were, I started mousing everywhere randomly and that helped me discover other things like the mirror ghost and stuff. The clock and safe puzzles were very nicely done.
I just feel like it kinda insults the audience's intelligence by saying "based on a true story." I mean, I can do that, too. Here's a story based on "the true story" of me playing this game:
Once upon a time, WarpZone logged onto Newgrounds and played Goliath The Soothsayer. He found the gameplay amiable and the ambiance scary, but the fact that it was alledgedly based on a true story kind of pissed him off. Then, all of a sudden, spikes came out of his back and he started floating and glowing. His righteous indignation had transformed him into a minifestation of pure hatred! His soul now bound to goliaththesoothsayer.swf, his tortured soul spread across the internet like wildfire, virally occupying 70% of the world's computers before Norton and McAffee even knew what hit them. Not even macs were safe, since WarpZone was not actually a computer virus but could affect the souls of the living. He contacted the president and demanded better broadband penetration, by which he meant better internet access in the United States, but people thought he meant porn. Thus appeased, he basically sat around on his fat incoporeal ass for a few decades, haunting program after program as people deleted the old ones, until finally one day there was enough information floating around on the internet for him to develop technologies that solved all the world's problems. He commissioned a body to be built, and led humanity into a golden age of plenty. A bunch of dumbass ghosts from like ancient times took exception to this, but Humanity 2.0 kicked their asses using post-singularity technology. Then monkeys flew out of my ass. BASED ON A TRUE STORY!
ZOMG! See how plausible that sounds!? That's what your title screen sounded like.
But yeah, other than that, great game.
Oh and by the way, Leffler Web Design, nice swirly logo intro thingy.