
184 Movie Reviews

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More original than I expected it to be.

At first, I was disapointed to see that it was about a guy going nuts and the song Bannanna Phone, because I'd seen that done before and I figured this was just a copy. I'm glad I gave it a chance, though, because it contained my favorite thing in the whole world: the gristly murder of a reality TV host! Thank you for taking a stand against the terror that is reality TV! :)

Shouldn't this be better than the ones it mocks?

I'm not going to make fun of your Flash this time, because it doesn't seem to be helping any. So instead, I'm just going to give you totally serious, non-sarcastic advice. Go to your local library. Ask a librarian how to access the library catolog. It's on computer, trust me, it's as easy as using any other serch engine. You want to search for the string "HOW TO DRAW." Just go ahead and look up any one of those books, they should all be grouped together in the same spot in the nonfiction section. Just start leafing through all of them until you find one that shows you how to draw a cartoon rabbit. Check that book out, and take it home. Read it. Practice. Learn from it. What? You don't like how they draw rabbits? You'd rather draw it your won way? Oh, that's fine! That's fine. But since you clearly can't draw, why not learn how to do it their way first, and then modify that procedure until you're drawing what Bubbles looks like in your mind's eye? I know damn well that's how you laerned to draw trees. You can learn how to animate the same way. Heck, even big animation studios like Di$ney and WB, when they make a new cartoon, and let's say this one's about like, a lobster, the first damn thing they do is examine every other piece of animated footage about lobsters they can get their hands on. That's really the only way the human brain can learn, is through emulation. Now, you can keep emulating the crappy Flashes that you're making fun of, the mediocre ones that were barely a minimal effort, floating in the black between "tomorrow's top 20" and "blammed," OR you can start emulating professional animation.

Instead of parodying the worst stuff on Newgrounds, try imitating the best stuff on Newgrounds! Your entire parodies series would be MUCH more scathing if there were a visible difference between the footage of crappy flashes and the scenes you made up yourself. And even though you may not feel like trying any harder than you already do, I know you could do better than this if you really tried.

It's not that hard. You make a box, you stretch it, you twist it, you makew it curvy. Bang, it's a belly. New layer. Make a box, stretch it, twist it, rotate it, poof, it's an arm. Don't use gradients. But use a color that actually looks like a cartoon rabit color. Make the background match your characters. None of this bright cyan sky. Avoid primary colors altgoether. Heck, use the eyedropper tool to yoink colors from a picture that looks good. They can't copyright pallettes. Hey, you wanna take it one step further? Want to add shadows and really amaze the crap out of everybody? Just draw ONE DAMN LINE across each body part and curve it, and darken the ink color of the lower half. BOOM! Instant 3D! So now it's in all these layers. Select the whole thing, copy, paste it over the the side, and convert it to a symbol. There's your first animation frame. Remove the shadows from the shapes still distributed between layers off to the side, and rearrange them to make the next pose. It seems like a lot of work at first, until you get used to it. Then all of a sudden, you've got a fully animated cartoon rabit that's pulling down 5's, and I shut my mouth and stop heckling you every time you release a movie that's only marginally better than the flashes it's making fun of.

XxShadowMasterxX responds:

just to let you know I didn't any of that...

Pretty good sonic show!

Graphics: Excellent animation, including some scenes copied from the awesome Sonic CD opening theme. Graphics are vector-based, and use gradients to relatively good effect. Character designs seem based on Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Personally, I would have opted for the older, flatshaded animation cel look, but this isn't bad. The author does some nice establishing shots that really help... establish... the setting. The backgrounds, on the other hand, look pretty terrible. I guess he used textures and masking to accomplish most of them, and it's a clever way of adding detail. Unfortunately, the end result looks like something out of Duke Nukem 3D. I can't help but feel that the backgrounds especially would have looked better cel shaded.

Style: I may not like how he drew everything, but I definitely can't argue with what he decided to draw. Action, pacing, music, and speed are all pure sonic, hovering somewhere comfortably between the anime and the more recent sonic games. It's only a shame the author had to stop before much of a plot had developed. This is like maybe up to the first commercial break of a typical sonic show.

Sound: Pretty good. Great music, actually. Sonic's voice is really annoying, though. Now, throughout history, Sonic has never had a decent voice in an official american animated series, but this is in the bottom tier. (IMHO, Somic's voice in Sonic Adventure 1 was the least offensive, just in case you cared.) It's almost like they deliberately tried to make him sound whiny and silly, just to make him match some badly dubbed saturday morning animated series. Either that or people who aren't me watch those shows and think "My god, that voice is AWESOME!" I thought Robotnik's voice was bang-on.

Violence: Sonic destroys some robots. Shadow has a nightmare. No grevious bodily fluids.

Interactivity: movie

Humor: Not really funny. But kinda cool to look at.

Overall: Far from epic storytelling (other than Shadow's nightmare, which was kinda a novel idea, but kinda dragged on for longer than it needed to.) There's hints that the groundwork is being laid for the next episode, though. Here's hoping now that the character models have been built and the author has gotten his system down, the next episode will be a simple matter of keyframing and getting the voices made... so like maybe 6 months instead of a year? We can hope! :)

Wow! More art. And it's passed. Is this NG?

Graphics: Not the best art or animation, but the artist tried really hard to paint a realistic world based on her garden. I thnk copying the same flower was the word design decision you could have made, and not animating the people seperately was the second worst. Well, it's no bitey of brackenwood, but it did have heart, not to mention a hell of a lot more soul than stick figures. The little girl seemed like the best looking gnome or fairy or whatever they were. In fact, now that I think about it, if each and every one of those little guys had a different head and face on them, I might have scored the art a lot higher. Interesting...

Style: Gotta give you credit for trying, and style is where you're getting it. The author sucessfully depicts a sprawling world. The riverbank is a place and the garden is a place, and you get a real feel for how they are connected to each other. There's a difference between drawing some backgrounds and depicting a world, and I think this author depicted a world.

Sound: low-key mood music that delivers on the emotion, but it's a little subdued. The music could have had more of an impact. The emotions it conveys to me right now are kind of ambiguously happy and sad. It could have been pensive, or mournful, or sad with a twinge of hope, but it wasn't any of that. Of COURSE voices aren't neccessary! Give us some credit!

Violence: Man, and I thought my arms were potent.

Interactivity: movie

Humor: none

Overall: TEH END! I mean, tenned! 10'd. But that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of room for improvement in various categories. Besides working on your general drawing abilities and trying harder on detail and animation, you should try to make/download music that tugs at the soul a little harder. I liked your storytelling style and the fact that you left so much open to interpretation. I saw the damn screen turn red, and I'm STILL not sure if he's necessarily evil or not. In short, make more art. This art ruled! :D

Endothermic aura? It was COLD, you pretentious ba

Graphics: squiggly stick figures, but done with a good sense of proportion and 3D space. Eyes and movement were all quality work. Despite the simplistic style, there was a strong sense of things being "real" and "solid." The scanlines are where it's at. Now watch, 50,000 nubs are going to put scanlines over their stick figures playing CS, and expect the same scores you got. Oh well. We'll blam that bridge when it crosses us.

Style: Actually very good style for an animated series. It felt like a real show. Too bad it was just an intro and not an actual SHOW. I hate demos. They always put up the credits and I think it's the title screen, then it says Replay and I'm like God dammit.

Sound: Awesome music. Good, strong voice acting too... it's just... UGH! Who TALKS like that? Apparently, "artists" do.
It's not JUST that he's whiny and depressed, and it's not JUST that he talks about "us" and "them" and "the system" and "the man" without specifying who or what these supposed evils are. It's the fact that he does both together, and it sounds like that's all he ever talks about. It makes me immagine what would happen if he went into a coffee shop.

"Hi! Welcome to Barstuck's! What can I getcha?"

"My world is a malestorm of bitter blackness, boiling with the steam of a thousand lives extinguished."

"Um... okay, Regular or decaf?"


Violence: You'd think an angsty, misunderstoof emo suddenly turning into death incarnate would be a really gory masacre. Yeah, it wasn't, so much.

Interactivity: Linear progression of several thousand faces, every moment destroyed before we can even register its passing. Only slight variations seperate them all them from the mediocrity of the status quo. With no control. With no end in sight. Until utter blackness consumes all. Then there's some credits. Includes preloader.

Humor: Well I'm having a lot of fun imitating it, but the author wasn't trying to be funny. Um... I think. Maybe this was a sarcastic pardoy of emos? But he was trying so HARD... ugh, I don't know. If he was trying to be serious, then and only then, was it funny. Kepische?

Overall: Immagine if Lillum stopped after the first page of text. That's the ammount of storytelling this guy manages to do. I don't know what's going to happen next in the story, but I bet it involves the futility of life and the cruel absurdity of the world we have created. And, you know, this guy who can kill people. Or maybe he can just make people gasp. I suppose he wasn't exactly explicit on that, but I assume he meant he could kill people.


TheMint400 responds:

hey man! wow im loving these reviews... so constructive! but yeah about the "endothermic aura"... endothermic doesn't have to be cold necessarily (even though i said he got a chill), i meant it in that it absorbs energy. tying in with the absorbing of breath. and whatnot. see, i told you it didn't reallly make sense, but it kinda does in some stupid ways. thanks for all that though!!! :)

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