Eh, kinda funny, I guess. Nice and long.
Graphics: The cameos of certian popular cartoon characters (Also the funniest part of the movie, BTW,) looked better than Nutsy and Klutsy. Good, solid tweening job.
Style: I thought the backgrounds were kinda flat and the characters seemed uninspired. Except for the Judge, he was just creepy. I know that's what the author was going for though so good job on that. Something about the style just made me go "oh, yuck" all the way through it. Maybe it's the choice of colors. Maybe it's the voices, I dunno. But for some reason, something about the overall package grated on me.
Sound: Sharp, clear, well-recorded voices. Lame voice acting. Not half as bad as the voices on that show with the scientist and the spit-dog, though. Music is some cheesey bullwinkle throwback. Sound effects were plentiful and there weren't any awkward silences. Much like the graphics and style, technically well-executed, but no fun at all.
Violence: Cartoon... things... get punched, blown up, and electrocuted. Considerably less gore than irreverent Newsgrounds cartoons typically generate. I really wanted Fred to pull a gun so I could see wkat kind of crazy animal they used to make it work, but they left the actual murder implied. I guess it's just as well. It probabaly would have just bothered me.
Interactivity: Movie.
Humor: Sparse collection of jokes that might be funny if they weren't reheated jokes from the 60's through 80's. Delivery so joyless, stuff, and forced, it sucks all the humor out of the jokes without being funny in and of itself. Actually, this crap sounds right at home on Adult Swim. Good luck with that.
Overall: I'm not trying to come across as some dick with no sense of humor, okay? It's not like I don't get edgy, irreverent humor. I just don't find it funny. The Clerks cartoon was funnier than this. Foamy the Squirrel is funnier than this. The Maxwell Edison Story is funnier than this. Bonus Stage is funnier than this. Space Tree is funnier than this. I can't put into words why I liked all those other cartoons and I didn't like this one, but I think maybe you're trying too hard to be edgy, abrasive, and sarcastic, without being at all spontaneous, self-effacing, or witty.
It's like you intentionally made it suck as much as network TV sucks, but without any of the feelgood bullshit or political leanings that the networks pay big money for. But what boggles the mind is, the show seems to take itself seriously.
Good luck with your future works. It's clear you have talent and skill. You can actually make a long cartoon and see it through to completion, while maintaining a certian level of technical quality all the way through. Now if only the end result actually entertained me in some way, I'd say you had a real winner here.
If this cartoon had any writers other than you, you should make a flash cartoon where they die horribly. The cause of death should be directly proportional to how much they were paid. For instance, if you were doing this in your spare time and you bought them a pizza for helping out with it, shoot them in the head. On the other hand, if Spike TV paid them $200,000 and covered their hotel room and expenses at some expo, then their skin should be peeled off and fed to them, and then they should be thrown into a prison made entirely out of salt where they are gang-raped to death by a feral pack of rusty, flaming chainsaws.