Too short, even for a clock movie.
Graphics: Great backgrounds. Typical crappy clockness, except without the emotive FBF faces flipping around all over the place. BurritoClock? More like, Dismembered Hairy Leg Clock.
Style: You can't deny that this film has great ambiance. Too bad it's only 3 seconds long and there's only one fourth of a joke. (Note to the author: Please do not reply to this telling me exactly how long it was, and that there was one whole joke. I know how long it is. I am exaggerating for comedic effect. You should try it in your cartoons.)
Sound: Great music, Really establishes the ambiance. Whatever movie you stole it from should be proud.
Violence: none. Burrito Clock obviously escorts TomatoClock out of the house and then goes to the store to buy some ketchup.
Interactivity: movie
Humor: none. Well, one fourth of a joke. All right, one joke. It's just you better look quick or you might miss it.
Overall: I hate movies with pretentiously long title screens and credits that are twice as long as the rest of the movie. This is established fact. You can look at any of my reviews to see this quite plainly. If a murder occured, and the police had no leads, but the motive was that the vic submitted a movie to Newgrounds that had a long black background with white text and almost no animation, I would fully expect the police to at least stop by and ask me a few questions, tell me not to leave town. At the very least. That said, the author's stated intention was to improve the quality of his movie that got blammed. I hope he succeeeds, because all 5 seconds of it looked nice.