Wow. The Simpsons really has gone downhill.
Graphics: So, apparently College University is some simpsons ripoff that's been availible on the web for some time now. I think I've heard of it before... anyways, this is a well drawn and animated cartoon. The artist has a stylized yet consistant sense of anatomy and proportion, and every pose, gesture and lip synch is sublimely keyframed and tweened. I'll bet the creators have professional animtion experience. (Working for Matt Groening.)
Style: Bold cartoon colors with good lightind. Crisp, bold fonts. Tiny dots in the centers of perfectly round eyeballs, which tend to almond out at the chaarcter ages. Curved tube-like arms and legs that are hardly anatomically correct, but when used consistantly, imply a three dimmensional figure. Four fingers on each hand. I may have forgotten to mention this, but the art style looks kinda like the Simpsons.
Sound: Crisply recorded, generally amusing gravelly voices. I think I remember this Kung-Fu guy. Wasn't he the fat Texan in the episode where Santa's Little Helper banged a racing hound?
Violence: Nope.
Interactivity: There's a button you can click on to buy stuff. I award no points for interface.
Humor: Great comedic timing, a little sarcasm, a little "so sad it's funny" pathetic character laughin'-at, and a nice brisk pace. The little boy going "I'll cut yew!" Didn't get funnier every time it happened, unfortunately, it just kinda sat there and died. I found the repetition much funnier in, say, that episode of College University where Sideshow Bob kept stepping on the rakes. Still, for a short this shows promise, and even makes me slightly curious about the DVD. Maybe someone with one of those "disposable incomes" I keep hearing about would even be tempted to click on that. Me, I'll stick to my trusty stack of VHS tapes.