A nice detective game with a decent story. :)
Graphics: The artists went to a lot of trouble on this one. Surface is excellent for a pure vector flash. Could have been improved by photoshopping at least the main background locations. The cartoon characters are nice and toony with and anime style but strongly western character designs. The opening and ending sequences are very nicely done, employing a variety of techniques from vectors to bluring to 3D.
Style: One thing I have to say about this game is that it just oozes style. From the opening shot of the murder scene, to the way the detective presents his case against the murderer at the end, it unfolds exactly the way a murder show on TV does. You see all the pieces, you have an inkling of suspiscion, you pressure them and get them to spill their guts. Then at the end you tie the whole glorious package together in one long explaination. I wasn't entirely sure what each clue meant, at the time I was gathering them, but whenever a question was asked during the endgame, I was always like "of course!" and picked the right answer. It all tied together very nicely.
Sound: This is my only real complaint. Don't get me wrong, the music was great. But I chose to kill the sound anyway because all the "Errr... hmmmmm.... *cough cough* Erm!" embaresingly bad voice samples got real annoying, real fast. If you'd had an option to turn off voice samples during interrogation while keeping the music and maybe the movie sound effects intact, Sound, Style, and Overall would have all been 10. That's how much it spoiled the experience for me. Think about it for your next game.
Violence: You call that a gristly murder? This is newgrounds. Red blurs don't even register on our calloused, de-sensitized brains.
Interactivity: Great control, great menu. There were a few things that bothered me, though they were all relatively minor:
-In Eye Contact Interrogation sequences, looking at the right time equals not being able to read what the lie is, so you're a little fuzzy on why you're objecting to them.
-Sometimes when you uncover intriguing evidence, such as the piece of paper in the vic's notebook with stuff written on it in green ink, you don't get a chance to read it because it gets whisked away so quickly. While it doesn't break the gameplay, it does thwart the player's curiosity-- never a good movie in a murder mystery.
-I didn't know how to use the items at first. I kept expecting "Ask her about the books" to appear on the conversation menu. Eventually I figured it out, but it took a while.
As you can see, all my interface issues are minor and don't prevent me from finishing the game. They do, however, distract me from immersion, so you might want to think about how you could make the transitions a bit less abrupt, next time.
Humor: Meh. Hat. Whatever.
Story: It didn't quite *feel* like a murder mystery to me, but I'm sure that's probably because your motives, secrets, and lies were all more akin to Scooby Doo than CSI.
Perhaps TV murder shows have unfairly trained me to expect briefcases full of money, drug addictions, kinky sex acts and bitter, jealous rivalries to be waiting in the wings behind every murder.
While playing the game, a lot of times I was like "He's lying about what? That's it?" I seriously didn't find it plausible that one man would murder another just so his niece could get a stupid maintinence job.
In the end it seemed he had 3 motives after all instead of the one I sussed during play, but even one good excuse would be better IMHO than three lame, silly ones. You do not fuck around with a murder rap so your relative can get a $8/hour maintience job. At least, *I* wouldn't.
Overall: Nicely done! Gameplay captures the essence of a murder mystery very well, and even goes a step further by letting the player tie all the loose ends together himself! You never get that sense of accomplishment with TV shows or novels. The suspects' dirty little secrets were kind of lame, and you should have cut the awkward voice samples from the conversations.