Just like Zelda but with bad control and design.
Graphics: A couple of nice effects on the title screen, and some pretty parchment in the menus are the only good things you'll find here. Monsters are animated but horribly generic. Link... I mean, Androgynous Hero-Type Person... only faces 4 directions ever and has no depth at all to him/her. The pathetic little sword wiggle looks absolutely nothing like an attack.
Style: The form of Zelda's dungeons is ripped off, only without the charm and with only half the gameplay. Angsty emo/metal/goth/whatever blood logos and some seriously overdone voice acting clash to make you wonder what the hell this game's designers were thinking. Is it supposed to be cute? Is it supposed to be serious? Whatever they were going for, it doesn't really work.
Sound: MUAHAHAHAHA! I AM A DEEP BOOMIG VOICE! THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAKES ME EDGY AND HIP! MWA HA HA HA HA! MENU! AHH HA HA HA! SWORD! HA HA HA HA! Arrrrrgh! I am a generic male action hero who has taken damage! Auuughh! I am still male, and have taken more dammage! Uhhhhnnn! Now I'm dying, and for no apparent reason, I'm suddenly a moaning breathless woman. *swoon*
Volence: You kind of barely wiggle a sword at some spinning spiked thingies. That's... kind of violent-ish. The real gore comes when you slam the keyboard into the monitor and electrocute yourself because you're so mad at the shitty hit detection. But I digress...
Interactivity: Immagine if Zelda had deliberately frustrating play control, due to it being made in Flash and using the sloppiest, loosest collision detection methods immaginable. Now, pretend that the designer decided it wasn't hard enough, and added a totally useless "stamina" meter to limit how often you could make one of your slow, impotent attacks. Now immagine that your movement is limited when you attack but your enemies can keep up with business as usual. Now immagine that said enemies are retarded. Now make it so every time you try to walk past an emey, you get hurt, and your attacks miss half the time. Kind of frustrating, isn't it? This game is about like that.
Humor: GOD, I just can't get enough of how dark and edgy the title screen and voice-vers are trying to be! LOL! It's comedy gold! :D
Overall: An ambitious attempt at copying a classic, failed because of poor implementation, no original ideas, and downright frustrating gameplay. The sin-themed level names and melodramatic basement-dweller voices only make the game as a whole that much more pathetic.
Suggestions: Okay, style-wise, do ONE of the following: Either make the whole game gory and violent, with dark, shiny stone dungeons, or else make the level names and title screen bouncy, happy anime cheerful pastel-colored fun. This "split the difference" mish-mash of themes ain't cutting it. And no, this is not ironic use of contrasting elements. I know that shit when I see it. I was raised on Accursed Toys, yo!
Gameplay-wise, you DESPERATELY need better collision detection. Try using simple trigonometry to do circle-based collision detection slightly SMALLER than the outer edge of your characters. (Books on using Trig in Flash are readily availible from your local public library.) And either make the screen bigger or the objects smaller, so that the player has a chance of maneuvering around enemies and obstacles. Your job as game designer is to make the player feel in control. Not to thwart him at every oprotunity!
I can't help but respect how hard this game was to make. I'm sad that it did not turn out better than this, though. :(