Wow. A nice, simple, oldschool Newgrounds "escape the room" game. Neat!
The art's a little rough in places (or rather, a little too vector-smooth, if you get what I mean.) The music is quirky loops that aren't too impressive technically, but each track has just enough personality to set the mood. The puzzles are Adventure Game Moon Logic at its finest, but I really do feel smart for figuring out Eggs, and some of the animations were cool in an understated, minimalist way (but with some surprising TLC put into the camera work.)
Overall, it's a humble homage to a lot of the classic experimental Flash games on this site. I don't just mean stuff like the Stealing the Diamond or Meet 'N Fuck series. Older. I'm talking the original Pico game. Back when all anyone knew how to make with Flash was these weird little cartoons where any movieclip could be a button. That's what this feels like.
And it's kind of awesome to see the tradition still alive in 2019.