Slick presentation for how low-fi everything is, especially the opening. Unfortunately I ran into a problem at the end of the first level as I could no longer tell the difference between winning and losing.
It would always LOOK like I was killing the last enemy while holding space, but no matter how many times I did that, it would always make a noise and say "too slow" and zoom the camera out without me being sure if the enemy actually shot anything at me or not. There's a point where the whole "Hotline Miami" thing gets too intense and expressive and wraps back around to boring again, and that point lies where, between the minimalism, the camera shake, and the abstract nature of the objects in the game world, the player can no longer tell what's going on.
Literally style over substance. Which hurts me to say, because I can *feel* how solid the controls are. Maybe I'm just getting old and there's some kinda really cool killing blow animation the enemy is doing with an obvious way to respond that I'm just not registering.
Judging by the other reviews, apparently most people found the game playable. So I'm probably wrong, here. But I can only review the gameplay experience I had. It keeps doing the same thing over and over again after I shoot the second enemy in the first level, and I have no idea what that thing is.
Sorry, StuffedWombat.